wax paintings

Channeled wax Bespoke Original

size a4 - By Lia

Please NOTE all prints are A4 size. The portrait pictures look larger than the landscape pictures but they are the same size.

Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Print of an Original Wax Painting

Wax (Encaustic) Print A4


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Channeled Wax Bespoke Original

By Lia

Sample: Channelled, personalised wax painting in aperture card

Sample: Channelled, personalised wax painting in aperture card

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acrylic paintings

Original Channeled Light Language Acrylic Painting

SIZE A4 - By Lia

This is a Print of an Original Acrylic Painting size A4

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This is a Print of an Original Acrylic Painting size A4

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Original Channeled Light Language Acrylic Painting

SIZE 30.5 X 30.5CM - By Lia

This is a Print of an Original Acrylic Painting size 30.5 X 30.5cm


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This is a Print of an Original Acrylic Painting size 30.5 X 30.5cm


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This is a Print of an Original Acrylic Painting size 30.5 X 30.5cm


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This is a Print of an Original Acrylic Painting size 30.5 X 30.5cm


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SIZE 20 X 20CM - By Lia

This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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This Acrylic Painting on canvas is 20cm x 20cm on wooden frame


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SIZE 20 X 25CM - By Lia

Sample: Channelled, personalised Acrylic painting on canvas

Sample: Channelled, personalised Acrylic painting on canvas

£90 + Shipping

I currently offer channelled, personalised Acrylic paintings on canvas. I always set the intention to channel the purest vibration of light and love and all that is for the Greater Good of my client, and that which is also in alignment with the Divine Will of the Creator. You can read more about my process in the Channelled Artwork page.

If you wish to, you can place an order for yourself or as a gift for someone else. You have the option of choosing to set your own intention or simply allowing whatever is for the Greater Good to come through for you. Once you have placed your order, please let me know your preference by contacting me on the following email: [email protected]

Size 20mm x 25mm canvas on wooden frame

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I currently offer channelled, personalised wax paintings. I always set the intention to channel the purest vibration of light and love and all that is for the Greater Good of my client, and that which is also in alignment with the Divine Will of the Creator. You can read more about my process in the Channeled Artwork page.

If you wish to, you can place an order for yourself or as a gift for someone else. You have the option of choosing to set your own intention, or simply allowing whatever is for the Greater Good to come through for you. Once you have placed your order, please let me know your preference by contacting me on the following email: [email protected]

Size A6 (150x104mm) comes in an A5 ( 148x210mm) aperture card

written light language text


Size A4 - By Lia

I currently offer an A4 page of written personal Light Language channeling.  Once you have paid for a channeling, you have the option of choosing to either set an intention for it’s purpose or simply allow whatever is for your Greater Good to come through for you. You also have the choice of it being written in gold or silver ink, so please ensure you let me know your preferences on the following email: [email protected]

Personal Channeled Light Language Transmission in Silver or Gold writing.

Sample: Channelled, personalised wax painting in aperture card

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I am here, my purpose, my mission is to deeply impact the soul energy matrix in order to help. bring forward, to birth, to uncover, the unconditional soul purity, filled with the knowing,  the healing capacities, the deep wisdom as a transmitter of this light.