In 2012, I started writing  Light Language daily, and eventually I began voice channeling it. The language is written starting from the last page. It is written right to left and the next line, left to right in alternate ways and top-to bottom.  It is an Intergalactic Universal and Angelic language. It is an ancient language of the Christ Consciousness which only speaks from love. It is spoken through the cosmic level, throughout the many levels and into my Being by various Beings of Light. I am bringing forward wisdom from the Christ Consciousness which is an active love vibration but not necessarily as understood in the context of religion or religious belief. I channel the angelic realm, goddesses, ascended masters, the elementals and so forth. I am also bringing messages of hope, gratitude and inspiration from various Star Civilizations such as the Pleiadians, Andromedans and Sirians Their transmissions are a gift, a guide book of remembrance to the Soul. They are ‘Advanced Spiritual Techniques and Tools For The Soul’. Offering the Soul tools, advanced abilities and techniques to aid its existence, expression and ascension upon Gaia. I express vibrations that bypass the ego and personality and directly speak to your Soul. 

Light Language is a beautifully layered alchemical transmission of information, codes, light intelligence, energies and greater and finer frequencies. It shares the Christ Light and supports the embodiment of love and so much more.. It downloads  energies, ascension activation codes and templates. It awakens memories and gifts, and supports expansion of consciousness. It also speaks of the Universal Truth, dissolves illusions and anchors light and love into the planet. It is embedded with healing codes and vibrations that support restoration and healing on many levels. There are specific transformational vibrations woven into the Light Language which can be tailored to the needs of the individual receiving them.

The Christl Light Language is  a harmonic frequency of light codes which emanate waves of endless Divine Love. It is part of my life’s purpose to channel this Light Language, to be the bridge between the inner and physical planes and to anchor these vibrations through my physical vessel for Source. It enables me to bring greater Light, sacred geometries and energies, both into the Earth and into the consciousness of humanity. It is as if I am literally pulling the Light into Mother Earth. The Earth around me becomes lighter as Gaia absorbs and then distributes the Light wherever it is needed. The appropriate qualities and vibrations are downloaded to support evolution, healing and remembrance. 

Even though I cannot translate the Light Language, there is a deep knowingness of its truth and meaning. It is very familiar to me and flows easily. It feels part of me and brings me great joy through enabling me to support others on their spiritual journeys. I share a weekly channeled light language transmission which I hope you will enjoy whilst receiving that which is for your greatest good. You may not understand it on a mental level, but your subtle bodies will receive the support, healing and all that is appropriate for you as long as you are receptive. Just close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow the channeled Light Language to embrace you in Divine Love. Receive the gifts of healing and remembrance. The higher vibrational light will enter your every cell, subtle bodies and auric field supporting you in accordance with the divine will of your Soul. Open up to the gifts of Love, Light and Wisdom. The transmission acts as a catalyst, activating, re-calibrating and restoring you to your Divine Self. It adjusts to the resonance of each listener’s vibrational unique needs in the moment. Your Soul resonates with this Language of pure Love and Light.

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