To find out more about The Power of I AM Healing

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Once you have paid please contact me via the contact form to discuss your needs and to schedule The Power of I AM Healing. I look forward to connecting and sharing space with you.

I offer private healing session in person or Skype. You can also take advantage of the session bundles. I do a package of 3 sessions for those who want to feel nourished and supported on their own individual Ascension journey. This package might be more sustainable and often gives for a more long lasting effect and benefit of the work by working from multiple angles – therefore a greater igniting of their soul, greater awareness, more shifts and integration, harmony, vitality and balance through receiving support for their continued expansion of consciousness and for their whole being.

  The Power of I AM Healing = £95

 Bundle of 3 sessions 

The Power of I AM Healing = £270

There are no specific requirements for The Power of I AM Healing, all you need is to be open to receive what is for your greater good. If receiving a distant healing please make sure you will not be disturbed for the duration of the session, so that you can truly benefit from the healing. I also recommend being gentle with yourself for a while afterward and listening to your own inner guide as to how long for. Please ensure you drink plenty of water to assist in the flushing out of toxins, the alignments and in the integration of of the new energies with ease and grace.

Once you have paid, contact me so that we can discuss your needs and availability at [email protected]. I will try and respond within 48 hours to all emails. I look forward to connecting and co-creating with you.