About Me
Language of the Soul
We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. In service to humanity, the Earth and all beings, I am a vessel for the Light and the Christ Consciousness which is an active vibration of love that is not associated with any religion or religious belief. I am an anchor and synthesis for ‘Heart Chakra Frequencies’. Serving as a Master Alchemist, Quantum Healer and Ascension Guide and Activator, my aim is to support those that are seeking guidance and acceleration in their spiritual evolution by providing inspiration, healing, remembrance, awakening/expansion of consciousness and empowerment.
Through my paintings, The Power of I AM Healing, Light transmission meditations and Light Language channeling, I share the wisdom and truth of love and the gift of Light and life.
I wish to assist others in realigning to their pathway of purpose and to discover their greatest power in their totality.
The power of love
My focus is the evolution of all and the power of love, gift of life and the light of creation. Let love be your guiding Light and joy your companion!
Awaken your infinite loving power
Awaken your infinite loving power and be a true body and embodiment of love.
Be the expression of your Soul
Be the expression of your Soul and experience life as your Soul living your highest light and fully present
Thank you for allowing me to hold space for you on your journey of self-realization.
Healing through I Am Presence & Light Language Transmissions

The Light Language channeled through my voice and my writing is an ancient language that only speaks from love.

The Power of I AM is a quantum healing. It facilitates the healing process by aligning the entire being back to Pure Love.

The channeled Light Language is Source Light and Sound encoded with the appropriate frequency and energies..